Ministry of interior (projects in the industrial area located in Suez road)
Marakez Mall of Katameya, District 5
Pyramids tires manufacture S.A.E.
MAC Egypt for real estate investments.
ATLAS Integrated contracting.
Orchid Kuwait Egyptian Company
Aqar Masr (Project ANAKAJI New Capital)
Eltamamy for Construction.
Frontale detergents S.A.E.
Faaw for food industries.
Misr Elwatanya for Food Industries.
Alsafwa for oil refining.
PELMAR EG for batteries Manufacturing.
Elbany group industry and contracting.
UNITED for Container Handling (dry port).
QUALITY CRETE for ready-mix concrete.
Integrated Oil Industries S.A.E.
You design for construction materials.
El-Fouad for construction materials.
Safwa for investment S.A.E.
EL-Masria for industries.
Techni for future industries.
MG for wooden industries and decorations.